Kitten Couples are Ready to be Re-homed
This loving, playful, and friendly group of kittens are searching for forever homes! Slippers has an outgoing and friendly personality, always hopping on your lap while preparing meals or wanting to cuddle. Slippers romps around chasing her favorite littermate Jiji and purrs at the drop of a hat – snuggling up close for cuddles.
The kittens’ birthday is approximated in early July 2022. The kittens are all up-to-date on vaccinations, tested negative for FIV/Felv and have a spay/neutered scheduled. Some of the kittens in this litter have mild-vision impairment due to an infection that was untreated prior to being admitted to Animal Advocates. While their eyes may appear different, it does not hamper the kittens’ love of life or play in the least. The litter has been thoroughly examined by a regular veterinarian and ophthalmologist specialist and given a clean bill of health. Occasional eye inflammation flair-ups in the future may require medication – and all take the meds calmly, while “purr-itoed,” with minimal resistance.
Jiji and Slippers are the most bonded of the troupe and the rescue is giving preference and a discounted adoption fee for applicants interested in the pair. If you are interested in adopting a rescue cat from Animal Advocates, visit www.animaladvocates.net to complete an online application (located under the “Adopt” menu).
For more information on the cats, dogs and Thrift Shop and other volunteer activities, check out the monthly newsletter!