Please check our social media accounts for regular updates on events, adoptable animals, special sales at the Thrift Shop and more happenings at Animal Advocates!

Stay Golden Fundraiser and Charity Walk
“Stay Golden” and join Animal Advocates and special pup Biscuit at Emily’s Hallmark Shop in Mt. Lebanon on July 15 for an ornament premiere event and on July 30 from 4-7pm for a charity 10k walk at the Mt. Lebanon High School track.
Hallmark is celebrating the release of the Dorothy Zbornak keepsake ornament during the kickoff weekend and “Stay Golden” t-shirts will be sold exclusively at Emily’s Hallmark Shop. Since actress Betty White was a beloved animal person, all proceeds from t-shirt sales and sponsorships for the charity walk will be donated to Animal Advocates to assist with Biscuit’s medical expenses!
To sign up for the charity walk or sponsor a participant, visit or contact Emily’s Hallmark Shop. Registration deadline is July 28. Refreshments, goodie bags, raffle gift baskets and more will be available at the walk on July 30. If you can not attend the walk but would like to support the event, donations will be accepted at the register at Emily’s Hallmark Shop or one of the other 17 shops in the Pittsburgh area in the Betres Hallmark Group.
Thank you to Emily’s Hallmark Shop, manager Jannell Adams and the Betres Hallmark Group for hosting the charity walk, supporting Animal Advocates and animal rescue in Pittsburgh!
Emily’s Hallmark Shop is located at 1717 Cochran Road Pittsburgh, PA 15220. Contact at 412 343-4848.
Mt. Lebanon High School Track is located at 7 Horsman Drive Mt. Lebanon, PA 15228